How to Deal With Stretch Marks on the Penis: Causes and Treatment Measures

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Stretch marks(SM's) are probably something most men think they won't deal with unless they have a major weight gain or weight loss. SM's on the penis are surely something men don't expect but they happen, and for really common reasons. They may appear anywhere in the fun zone such as in the groin, on the scrotum, or even on the actual penis. Happily, they're not serious in a medical sense, though they can affect a man's self esteem and confidence. The good news is there are ways to reduce the appearance of SM's on the penis and even prevent them from happening in the first place.

Stretch Marks (SM's) on the Penis: Where They Come From

SM's in general develop from the skin stretching as the name implies. The skin expands in common situations like pregnancy (which is most associated with SM's), weight gain or loss, and muscle building. They can occur anytime in life from childhood to old age. In fact, most people have SM's somewhere at some given time. They're just a natural part of life!

Unless a man is pumping iron with his penis, he may be curious as to how his penis could get SM's. Think about it. When a man gets an erection, the skin stretches to allow the growth to occur. That expansion can lead to little tears in the dermis. As time goes by and more erections come and go, those little tears add up and turn into long, silvery reminders of erections past.

Another way men can get SM's is if their body overproduces cortisol, the stress-hormone. Use of corticosteroid medications, like Prednisone and steroids, can also lead to the appearance of SM's. Be sure to talk to a physician if this cause is suspected to help bring balance to the hormones or find alternate medications for relief.

Stretch Marks (SM's) on the Penis: Treatment Options

Men should be happy to learn that SM's aren't an indicator of a deeper, more serious medical problem. They happen to everyone and aside from their aesthetic disruption, they aren't something to worry about.

That said, some men would prefer not to look southward and see SM's. They might become self-conscious and that can affect performance and feeling comfortable in intimate settings with a partner.

There are a few things men can do to remedy SM's on the penis. A qualified dermatologist may be willing to perform sophisticated therapies such as fractal CO2 laser therapy or microdermabrasion to reduce the appearance of SM's. Laser therapy helps smooth out older SM's. Microdermabrasion uses crystals to “rub off” the top layer of the skin which can fade newer, red SM's making them less noticeable. Sometimes multiple sessions are needed for desired results. It should be noted, however, that no treatments can actually fully remove SM's.

Stretch Marks (SM's) on the Penis: Prevention

Keeping the skin moisturized consistently is the best way to keep the risk of SM's at bay. A great way to reduce or prevent SM's on the penis specifically is by using a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) daily on the area. This crème hydrates the skin and has important vitamins and nutrients that promote cell turnover and skin elasticity which keep the skin pliable. Having a base of Shea butter and vitamin E also ensures that the crème not only delivers lux amounts of moisture when applied but also locks it in for the rest of the day keeping the penis soft and supple and reducing the chances of getting SM's.


Source by John Dugan

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