How Much is the Monthly Payment on Nutrisystem?
Yesterday, I received an email from someone who asked me how much her monthly payment would be if she signed up for Nutrisystem. After having a dialogue with her, it became evident that she thought that a contract was required with Nutrisystem. There isn't. The price that you will pay each month will vary depending upon which package you chose. And, while there is a payment option, this is certainly not a requirement. I will explain this more in the following article.
There Is No Contract Or Commitment Required For Nutrisystem: Some people assume that when you sign up for this diet, you have to make a long term commitment that is hard to get out of if you change your mind. This isn't the case. You can buy by items or meals individually, by the week, or by the month. You can go from month to month or you can sign up for auto delivery. This isn't a contract and it's really a feature that is there for convenience. Basically with auto delivery, the company automatically sends you a new order when the last one ends until you cancel this (which you can do at any time.) Basically, when you reach your goal and lose the weight, you just stop placing orders without any additional commitment.
The Monthly Price Of Some Popular Nutrisystem Packages: Most of the women's packages have the same cost for a month's worth of food. The women's basic, silver, diabetic, and vegetarian packages are around $299 for the month if you chose the auto delivery option. If you don't select auto delivery, you'll have to pay for your shipping which makes your monthly costs slightly more. The men's packages (including the basic, diabetic, silver and vegetarian) run about $30 more per month than the women's plans.
The flex package is the most inexpensive, starting at around $230 for the month. However, it's important to understand that this deep discount is due to the fact that you're getting less food. The select program costs the most because it includes some frozen restaurant quality food. It runs about $60 more than the basic plan, but many people find the additional cost worth it in order to get the “select” line of foods.
Of course, all of these prices are before you use coupons. The company does often offer some very nice coupons that can take a good deal of money off of your order or will give you some weeks worth of free food. These coupons are generally only offered on the packages though.
The “Bill Me Later” Option Which Sets Up Lower Monthly Payments: When I explained some of the Nutrisystem pricing to the woman who emailed me, she told me that she was sure that she saw a monthly billing or payment option on the website. She was probably referring to the “bill me later” option. This isn't a contract. Instead, it's a convenience that the company offers it's customers through a third party. I've not used this option, but my understanding is that you can sign up to make payments for as low as $10 per month. I also understand that there is some monthly interest with this and you will need to sign up with the third party company in order to use this service.
Still, this payment option might be a decent offering for people who want to try this diet and be able to pay gradually or monthly without having to part with a larger sum all at once.
Source by Ava Alderman